The full schedule went live Sun Aug 14th at 7:00 pm. Please log into The Games Scheduleand use your ref ID and password from OSSRC to log in. Click on the DASOA Youth Competitive button to look for open games.
Each referee will get 20 tokens each night to spend on games (token count is in upper right hand corner while looking at open games).
This allows everyone a chance to get into the system and get games before they are all gone. Any questions please feel free to reach out to Shawna Spada by phone 937-206-7017. Please leave a message if you get voicemail as she may be helping another ref and will call you back.
Spring 2018 Rules variations document (PDF) (Print out and have a copy on hand at the fields)
ASSIGNOR INFORMATION & WHO TO CONTACT: For CUSL, & TPL games contact: [email protected] or the on-call assignor at 937-732-5069