Association | Assignor | Email Address |
High School Assignor | John Kingham | [email protected] |
GWOC High School Assignor | Bob Glaser | [email protected] |
DASL (Amateur) Assignor | Mikael Lundqvist | [email protected] |
GCSL, CPL and TPL Assignor. Also, call 937-732-5069 | Shawna Spada | [email protected] |
BPYSL Assignor | Geoff Darr | [email protected] |
MRL Assignor (Dayton area) | Robert Hope | [email protected] |
State Cup / Presidents Cup Assignor | BJ Jabbari (SYRA) | [email protected] |
Contacts for Late Drops and Other Last-Minute EmergenciesEmail [email protected] and Call 937-732-5069 (On-Call Assignor). If no one answers leave a message. Give it a few minutes and whoever is on call will call you back.
If you do not reach a live person and do not hear back within 5 minutes then see below:
For Buckeye Games:Contact Geoff Darr 937-672-0589
If you reach voicemail on any phone number above, ALWAYS leave a message! Remember to always submit an online drop request via the system ASAP. Try to beat the 96-hour window by as much as possible so you do not HAVE to do the steps above. DASOA assignors are obligated to notify the Ethics Committee of ALL Late Drops including NO SHOWS. |
The purposes of this Association are: